Camp Packing List & Rules
Dear Parent or Guardian,
My name is Kevin Wright, and I am the Youth Director at Sand Springs Baptist Church. We are excited about Camp180, our youth camp that will be held in Ozone, AR at Pinecrest Camp this year from June 4th-7th. This is a great opportunity for young Christians to grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord and establish stronger friendships with other believers.
Sand Springs Baptist Church sponsors Camp180 and will send approximately 25 chaperones and workers that teach, organize games, cook, counsel, and make sure Camp180 is a total blast. Medical personnel will be attending.
Due to limited space and facilities, Camp180 will take the first 80 campers that register. The cost of camp is only $50!! And this includes three meals a day, air conditioned cabins, all games and activities, and a t-shirt!
Who can go?
- *Students who have completed 6th-12th grades
How much does it cost?
- *$50 Camp fee (this includes a t-shirt)
- *Extra spending money for snack shack-($20)
Here is a basic daily camp schedule:
Tuesday-Leave from SSBC at 9:00am
Wednesday-Thursday- At Pinecrest Camp in AR
Friday-Leaving the campgrounds; return to church (around 4:00pm)
Basic Items Needed for each Camper:
Sack Lunch (for the trip up on Tuesday)
A Bible
Appropriate clothes and tennis shoes (Please see below for a more detailed packing list.)
Twin size bedding or sleeping bag and pillow
Towels, Soap, and Toiletries
Camp180 Behavioral Code
In all we do at this youth camp, we keep this in mind: God is present and we represent God and the Church to each other and the outside world looking in;
We agree that all those present with our group – adult leaders, junior high and high school campers- are considered participants and agree to abide by this code of conduct
We will obey and respect camp counselors.
We agree to be part of all scheduled activities at the camp in conjunction with our teams.
For our own safety, we will not go outside at night alone;
We will make sure that our group sponsor(s) knows where we are at all times. We will not leave the camp without the youth director’s permission;
We will report any illness or personal emergency to an adult sponsor.
We agree to abide by curfew time and quiet hours;
As camp participants, we agree to respect and take care of the property of Indian Baptist Mission Camp;
All electronic devices, cell phones, ipods, ipads, etc. will be left in cabins during daily activities, lessons, and evening services. Campers will be allowed to use devices for 1 hour after evening service and then devices will be put away for the night. It is recommended these devices be left at home. Adult sponsors will have phones in case of emergency.
We agree to adhere to a dress code that is modest and appropriate. Should questions arise regarding modesty and appropriateness of dress, youth director or adult sponsor will have the final say;
Dresscode will be as follows:
Shorts of modest length are allowed to all daytime activities. (No short shorts or spandex as shorts.)
No sleeveless shirts allowed. Girls, please no low cut necklines or crop tops that show the stomach.
Pants must be worn to evening service. Pants, capris, dresses or skirts that come to the knees are acceptable for girls.
Please, No strapless dresses.
For safety purposes, closed-toed shoes must be worn during outdoor activities.
Pool attire: Female campers will be asked to wear shorts and shirt over swimsuits (tank tops are ok)
*** Male campers will be asked to wear a shirt or tank top while swimming.***
We understand that, by registering for a SSBC Youth event, we agree to allow SSBC Youth to take pictures
and/or video during the event and use them for promotional purposes;
If we choose not to follow the code, we understand and accept the consequences
decided upon by our adult leaders and/or SSBC youth sponsors.
*** What to Bring to Camp ***
4 changes of play/athletic clothes
Swimsuit and Cover-up or Swim shirt
Appropriate clothes for evening services
Flip flops or sandals
2-3 Towels & bedding
Deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc.
(Optional items: hat, flashlight, journal, bandages, pain reliever)
Shoes you don’t mind getting wet
Extra shoes when the others are wet
4+ days of appropriate undergarments
Prescription Medications
**Please note: Some activities may involve water, food, or other messy stuff, so please dress accordingly.